Comments on: Rankings Philosophy for the HSFB100 Sun, 01 Dec 2013 01:19:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dallas Jackson Mon, 25 Nov 2013 16:56:25 +0000 Thanks.

I need to add one more major piece that I cant believe I forgot. Because numbers do play a role in here and I need to make that note.

By: thc6795 Mon, 25 Nov 2013 16:07:13 +0000 This was a great explanation DJ

By: Name * Thu, 21 Nov 2013 17:45:35 +0000 Wow I just got outsmarted by the security feature that is meant to keep robots out! Thanks for the help Dallas

By: Dallas Jackson Thu, 21 Nov 2013 17:30:06 +0000 Make sure you are doing both steps. The first log in box is not your username and password. You need to physically enter what is in the popup thing. THEN log in.

Once you are authenticated it should be easy.

By: Name * Thu, 21 Nov 2013 17:19:34 +0000 Thank you for the quick reply. I will keep trying but it continues to ask for a username and password. I am on my iPad so I will try again when I’m at my PC

By: Dallas Jackson Thu, 21 Nov 2013 17:12:52 +0000 It is a two-step authentication. First step is to make sure you are not a bot… like one of those random letter things. You have to enter what is in the box. Usually seven random letters and then answer a math problem.

It is an ongoing battle with my host. They do it to keep spam down on the front end and not the back end. I say it is a poor user experience. They are winning.

By: LT4Spart06 Thu, 21 Nov 2013 17:06:45 +0000 I’m probably doing some thing wrong, but every time I click on register an authentication prompt appears and will not allow me to continue without a username and password…
